United Empire Loyalist

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.


one of a large number of persons loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolution, many of whom came to the eastern provinces of Canada as settlers during the Revolution and for some years afterwards.


There is, as we all know, a certain feeling among many of the native and immigrant United Empire Loyalists of this day, which teaches them to consider themselves much better subjects, nay even a superior race to their American brethern who by their later immigration cannot lay claim to the same rights.
It is estimated that within two years of the recognition of the United States 20,000 refugees, known as "United Empire Loyalists," found new homes in Acadia. . . .
He was born in 1900 on a farm near Hastings, New Brunswick of United Empire Loyalist stock.